35th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop

July 24: This workshop will take place on 14. - 18. September 2020. It will be held online using zoom.

This workshop organized by VI-HPS for the German Prace Advanced Training Centre hosted by  HLRS will:

  • give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite
  • explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively
  • offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools

For more information about the course please visit the VI-HPS course site.


Online course
Organizer: HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Start date

Sep 14, 2020

End date

Sep 18, 2020



Entry level


Course subject areas

Parallel Programming


Code Optimization

Back to list


Day 1: Monday 14 September

  • 09:00 Welcome
    • Introduction to Zoom
    • Introduction to VI-HPS & overview of tools
    • Introduction to parallel performance engineering
  • 10:30 (break)
  • 11:00 Hawk computer system and software environment [HLRS]
    • Building and running NPB/BT-MZ on Hawk
  • 12:30 (lunch)
  • 14:00 MAQAO performance analysis tools [Emmanuel Oseret & Salah Ibnamar, UVSQ]
    • MAQAO hands-on exercises (MAQAO quick reference)
  • 15:30 (break)
  • 16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply MAQAO to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 17:30 Schedule for remainder of workshop
  • 18:00 (adjourn)


Day 2: Tuesday 15 September

  • 09:00 Score-P instrumentation & measurement toolset [Christian Feld, JSC]
    • Score-P hands-on exercises
    • CUBE profile explorer hands-on exercises
  • 10:30 (break)
  • 11:00 Score-P analysis scoring & measurement filtering [Christian Feld, JSC]
    • Score-P specialized instrumentation and measurement
    • Scalasca automated trace analysis
    • Scalasca hands-on exercises
  • 12:30 (lunch)
  • 13:30 Hands-on coaching to apply Score-P to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 15:30 (break)
  • 16:00 TAU performance system [Sameer Shende, UOregon]
    • TAU hands-on exercises
  • 18:00 (adjourn)

Day 3: Wednesday 16 September

  • 09:00 Vampir interactive trace analysis [Hartmut Mix, TUDresden]
    • Vampir hands-on exercises
  • 10:30 (break)
  • 11:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Vampir to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 12:30 (lunch)
  • 13:30 Hands-on coaching to apply Scalasca/Vampir to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 15:30 (break)
  • 16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply TAU to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 17:30 Review of day and schedule for remainder of workshop
  • 18:00 (adjourn)

Day 4: Thursday 17 September

  • 09:00 Paraver tracing tools suite [Judit Gimenez & German Llort, BSC]
    • Paraver hands-on exercises
  • 10:30 (break)
  • 11:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Paraver tools suite to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 12:30 (lunch)
  • 13:30 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 17:30 Review of day and schedule for remainder of workshop
  • 18:00 (adjourn)

Day 5: Friday 18 September

  • 09:00 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 12:00 Review
  • 12:30 (lunch)
  • 13:30 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s).
  • 17:00 (adjourn) 

Prerequisites and content levels


Familiarity with Linux and Linux editors is recommended. Programming experience in Fortran or C, some knowledge about parallel programming.

Furthermore, we require that you bring your application including a test case that adheres to the following guideline:

    • number of cores:
      • In order to be representative, the test case should be in size comparable to your current and maybe future production runs.
      • In order to save valuable resources, it should however be as small as possible.
      • So take into account to reduce the size of your test case as long as the profile stays almost constant. This can often be achieved by reducing the simulated domain and keeping the computational load per core constant ("weak down scaling").
    •  wall time:
      • In order to allow for a productive as well as effective workflow, the wall time should be a few minutes only.
      • At the same time, it should cover all important parts of the code, including I/O.
      • So take into account to reduce the number of simulated time steps.
Content levels
  • Intermediate: 15 hours
  • Advanced: 15 hours

Learn more about course curricula and content levels.


The course language is English.


Registration is now closed.


Students and academic participants within EU or PRACE-member-countries:

  • This course is sponsored by the PRACE PATC programme, i.e., there is no course fee.

For all other participants (i.e., not from academia, or from outside EU and PRACE) this course is an HLRS course with following fees:

  • Members of other universities and public research institutes: 120 EUR.
  • Students at universities without Diploma/Master: 0 EUR.
  • Others: 400 EUR.

The course fee includes coffee breaks.


Travel Information and Accommodation

see our How to find us page.


HLRS is part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), which is one of the six PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) that started in Feb. 2012. The mandate for the PATCs is as follows: "The PRACE Advanced Training Centres will serve as European hubs of advanced, world-class training for researchers working in the computational sciences." (see D3.2.3)
This course is a PATC course, see also the PRACE Training Portal and Events. For participants from public research institutions in PRACE countries, the course fee is sponsored for this part of the course through the PRACE PATC program. For details, see the section about the course fee above.

HLRS is also member of the Baden-Württemberg initiative bwHPC-C5.
This course is also provided within the framework of the bwHPC-C5 user Support.


José Gracia phone 0711 685 87208, gracia(at)hlrs.de
Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530, rabenseifner(at)hlrs.de
Lucienne Dettki phone 0711 685 63894, dettki(at)hlrs.de

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