The WSSP is a meeting platform for scientists, application developers, international experts and hardware designers from different countries and continents to discuss the current state and future directions of simulation, supercomputing and data intensive problems. This includes future hardware architectures, the future style of programming and directions to highest sustained application performance in pioneering applications and related methods for simulation and data processing. Scientists working in various application areas will present their recent results and will share their views to current supercomputer architectures. We would appreciate statements related to usage of computer architectures as performance of different program parts, memory bandwidth, different kinds of latencies, communication bandwidth, input/output needs, and ideas on code optimization. We would be also interested in talks discussing questions on principles of simulation including new techniques of modeling, mathematical techniques, discretization, implementation, expected simulation problems and their applications giving perspectives for future HPC applications; and last not least talks on implications of simulation on technology and society.
via online registration form
coming soon
HLRS, University of Stuttgart Nobelstraße 19 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room 0.439 / Rühle Saal
May 27, 2025
May 28, 2025
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