Golden Spike Awards Presented at 22nd Annual Results and Review Workshop

2019 Golden Spike Award winners Thomas Kuhn, Konstantin Fröhlich, and Annalisa Pillepich

HLRS recognized three users of its Hazel Hen supercomputer for their scientific excellence and innovative applications in parallel computing.

The 2019 Results and Review Workshop once again brought together the community of users of the HLRS supercomputer to discuss their latest methods and accomplishments. On October 7-8, 2019, a total of 41 user projects were presented, including 26 scientific talks and 20 posters. The event showcased research across a wide range of scientific disciplines, including computational fluid dynamics, reactive flows, climate research, materials science, computer science, chemistry, physics, and biology. Additionally, HLRS's Björn Dick led a user workshop to help prepare users for the arrival of HLRS's new flagship supercomputer, Hawk, in 2020.


At the conclusion of the Results and Review Workshop, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kröner of the University of Freiburg, vice-chairman of the HLRS steering committee, announced the winner of the 2019 Golden Spike Awards. The Golden Spikes recognize excellence in research and in innovative applications of high-performance computing. The recipients of the 2019 Golden Spike Awards were:

Konstantin Fröhlich (Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen)

Simulation of particulate flows

To make coal combustion engines more efficient and reduce pollution, fully resolved simulations that completely describe the process are needed to support benchmark simulations and the development of new models. Combustion systems are highly complex, as they involve interactions between particles and turbulent flows. Fröhlich and his colleagues conducted a full adaptive mesh refinement for all particles in a sample system to produce an accurate simulation of the boundary between particles and fluids. The scientists implemented a new method for partitioning data, leading to increased performance of their computational method.

Thomas Kuhn (Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics, University of Stuttgart)

Uncertainty quantification in high performance computational fluid dynamics

Predicting and reducing noise caused by the flow of air over cavities requires high-fidelity simulations that demand large computational capacity. This is compounded when taking into account uncertainty quantification (UQ), a scientific approach aimed at characterizing and reducing uncertainties in computation and in the real world. Kuhn and colleagues at the University of Stuttgart created a new software for UQ called POUNCE, which they integrated into a package called FLEXI that is used to simulate the complex system of turbulent eddies and acoustic waves that produce noise.

Annalisa Pillepich (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg) and Dylan Nelson (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching)

The TNG50 simulation: highly-resolved galaxies in a large cosmological volume to the present day

As part of the effort to understand the physical nature of the universe, astronomers and astrophysicists would like to understand how galaxies form and what leads to the wide diversity in shapes and sizes that they can take. Because it is impossible to go back in time and observe every galaxy that exists, the Illustris-TNG project has been developing increasingly robust simulations of galaxy formation that can be used as a foundation for studying a wide range of physical phenomena. The latest version of the model, called TNG50, incorporates features such as gravity, hydrodynamics, and magnetic fields, among others, and can represent multiple scales of space, from the size of a single galaxy to 300 megaparsecs.

Click here to learn more about the Golden Spike Awards, including past winners.

Christopher Williams