On April 23-26, 2018, investigators from academic institutes across Russia and Germany met in the Russian city of Kaliningrad to forge closer ties between the two research communities. The meeting was the third in a series of annual workshops organized to promote international dialogue and to develop collaborations.
Jul 23, 2018
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One goal of this workshop series has been to identify opportunities for shared research projects that would bring together scientific expertise in the two countries. Russia is especially strong in applied mathematics, for example, although the country does not have the same scale of supercomputing infrastructure as that found in Germany. For this reason, participants in the workshop have been working to identify scientific and industrial problems that researchers in Russia are facing and to determine how German knowledge and HPC resources could be leveraged to address them.
In addition to investigators based at HLRS, the German delegation included researchers from RWTH Aachen, the Technical University Dresden, the Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. Russian participants traveled from several of the premier mathematical institutes affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences, including the Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics (Moscow), the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Novosibirsk), the Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (Ekaterinburg), the Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow), and the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Moscow), as well as the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad).
Following welcoming remarks by Prof. Dr.Sci. Boris Chetverushkin (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Prof. Dr.Sci. Andrei Klemeshev (Rector, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University), the packed three-day conference explored a wide range of topics related to high-performance computing and its applications.
Many talks focused on scientific challenges, covering topics in applied mathematics computational fluid dynamics, cosmology, structural mechanics, and health applications, among others.
Additional lectures focused on cutting edge methods in high-performance computing, including performance optimization, integration of HPC systems with industry 4.0 applications, numerical algorithms, big data, parallel programming, visualization, and energy usage.
Prof. Dr. Michael Resch also discussed the importance of providing education and training in HPC to ensure that users can make the most of supercomputing resources.
The friendly meeting offered ample opportunity for attendees to get to know one another informally, including a daylong tour of Kaliningrad.
— Christopher Williams