List of HLRS Research Projects


S+T+ARTS AIR is making supercomputing technologies and expertise available to enable innovative collaborations involving the arts, science, and technology.



SRI DiTEnS is developing methods for discursive transformation in local energy systems, using urban digital twins involving virtual reality to support decision making among stakeholders.

Two scientists observe a room-sized, projected visualization of the University of Stuttgart campus.


The HiDALGO2 project is addressing challenges caused by climate change, focusing on technical issues related to scalability on HPC and AI infrastructures, the use of computational fluid dynamics methods, and uncertainty analysis.

Logo for project HiDALGO2


EXCELLERAT P2 is developing advanced applications for engineering in the manufacturing, energy, aeronautics, and automotive sectors, focusing on use cases that demonstrate the importance of HPC, HPDA, and AI for European competitiveness.


This project’s goal is to increase the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of performance and load assessment tools and associated procedures that are commonly used in the industrial design and certification of modern wind energy systems.

Logo for MERIDIONAL project


By presenting exciting, immersive experiences of current engineering topics in virtual reality and augmented reality, DimensionLab3 aims to increase young students' interest in and motivation to study technical subjects.

Logo for project DimensionLab3


InHPC-DE furthers the federation of the three national HPC centres in Germany, addresses new requirements such as security, and evaluates the Gaia-X ecosystem in the context of high-performance computing.


KoLab BW

This project is developing tools for meeting and collaborating from remote locations in three-dimensional virtual reality environments.

Logo KolabBW

Cape Reviso

By combining machine learning, sensor technology, network analysis and virtual reality in digital twins, HLRS is developing planning and decision support tools for conflict analysis and reduction between cyclists and pedestrians.

Logo for Cape Reviso project.

Open Forecast

HLRS is developing approaches for combining freely available data and supercomputing resources to create a new generation of searchable data products for European citizens, public authorities, economic operators, and decision makers.

Logo for Open Forecast project.


This project is testing a novel, simulation-based approach to develop new systems for protecting vehicle occupants in accidents.

Logo for OSCCAR project


bwVisu provided powerful visualization resources to scientific institutions in Baden-Württemberg, including working toward the development of a scalable service for remote visualization of scientific data.

Logo for bwVisu II project.