Accident Scenario in a Nuclear Power Plant

Three-part image showing removal of the aerosol caesium by a spray of water coming from a nozzle, isolines of the aerosol concentration before (time = 0s), during (250s) and after the spray application.
Image: IKE, University of Stuttgart

The accident management in a generic nuclear power plant containment with a convection flow of high-temparature gases is simulated. An activated spray mixes the turbulent flow and inhibits the formation of a possibly explosive upper region filled with hydrogen. Condensation of the steam is promoted and the maximum pressure, which may also endanger the containment integrity, is limited.

Read the complete user research report at the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.

Principal Investigator

Eckart Laurien

Institute of Nuclear Technology and Energy Systems (IKE), University of Stuttgart (Germany)