CARo – Computational Aeroacoustics of Rotors

Scientific visualization of turbulence around a helicopter.
Image: IAG, University of Stuttgart

Helicopters and other rotorcraft like future air taxis generate substantial sound, placing a noise burden on the community. Advanced simulation capabilities developed at IAG over the last decades enable the prediction of aeroacoustics together with aerodynamics and performance, and thus allow an accurate and reliable assessment of different concepts long before first flight. Consequently, this technology serves to identify promising radical configurations initially as well as to further optimize designs decided on at later stages of the development process. Conventional helicopters may benefit from these tools as much as breakthrough layouts in the highly dynamic Urban Air Mobility sector.

Read the complete user research report at the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.

Principal Investigator

Manuel Keßler

Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics, University of Stuttgart