Hadron Scattering and Resonance Properties from Lattice QCD

Still from animated graph showing the ρ-meson phase shift δ1 as a function of the center of mass energy.
Image: University of Bonn

It is a long lasting dream in nuclear physics to study nuclei like, for instance, carbon directly from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the underlying fundamental theory of strong interactions. Such an endeavor is very challenging both, methodically and numerically. Towards this goal physicists from the European Twisted Mass Collaboration and in particular the University of Bonn have started to investigate two hadron systems using the approach of Lattice QCD.

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Principal Investigator

Carsten Urbach

Helmholtz Institut für Strahlen und Kernphysik (Theorie), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn