Numerical Simulation of Rotary Wing Aerodynamics, Aeroelesticity and Aeroacoustics

Illustration of turbulence produced by three propellers.
Image: IAG, University of Stuttgart

The helicopters & aeroacoustics group of the Insitute of Aerdynamics and Gasdynamics at the University of Stuttgart continues to develop their well-established and validated rotorcraft simulation framework. In addition to vibration prediction, noise reduction, and maneuver flight developments, new application areas like air taxis and distributed propulsion emerge out of industrial needs and fundamental research questions.

HELISIM provides the computational resources to sustain this goal-oriented approach of answering pressing needs of industrial relevance and basic qualitative topics alike. Efficiency, performance and comfort demands on one hand and new physical phenomena on the other hand both require the continuous improvement of the best solution framework possible, for technical and scientific progress and the better of society in terms of engineering results.

Read the complete user research report at the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Manuel Keßler

University of Stuttgart Institut for Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics