EE-HPC is testing an approach for improving energy efficiency in HPC systems by automatically regulating system parameters and settings based on current job requirements.
The goal of Gaia-X4ICM is to implement a scaling production platform based on the Gaia-X ecosystem for the InnovationCampus Mobility of the Future (ICM) to make Gaia-X more usable for production of planning systems, industrial controls, and sensor data, among other applications.
InHPC-DE furthers the federation of the three national HPC centres in Germany, addresses new requirements such as security, and evaluates the Gaia-X ecosystem in the context of high-performance computing.
HLRS is the coordinating center for this project to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) topics into curricula at the University of Stuttgart, and to implement AI technologies to improve instruction.
This study will assess potential applications of high-performance computing (HPC) in crisis situations, and what organizational procedures are needed to ensure that HPC resources are immediately available.
DEGREE is investigating a method for increasing energy efficiency in data centers by dynamically controlling cooling circuit temperatures, and is developing guidelines for implementing the resulting concepts.
The ENRICH project will analyze current developments in IT and the operation of high-performance computing (HPC) centers regarding their resource efficiency and sustainability potential.
exaFOAM is working to reduce bottlenecks in performance scaling for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications on massively parallel high-performance computing (HPC) systems.
This project is developing tools for meeting and collaborating from remote locations in three-dimensional virtual reality environments.
ORCHESTRA is developing a networked platform for sharing data and for creating a new large-scale, pan-European cohort for research on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, providing a model for addressing future public health threats.
As a participant in the German National Research Data Infrastructure initiative, this consortium is creating a national platform for data integration in catalysis and chemical engineering research.
FF4EuroHPC conducts outreach and provides support to Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enable them to profit from the advantages for innovation offered by high-performance computing technologies and services.