It will identify the principal bottlenecks in mainstream CFD tools, and identify and implement improvements in algorithms in order to improve both their scalability on HPC systems and workflows for codes used in industrial software, with emphases on preprocessing, postprocessing, and I/O.
The project is also developing a comprehensive set of tools for measuring performance and scalability on different HPC platforms, demonstrating methods for improving performance and scalability, and identifying, implementing, and promoting best practices in coding, execution, performance, and scalability. The results should enhance Europe's leadership in industrial sectors in which the target code is applied, including air and space travel, power generation, the automotive industry, and disaster prevention, among others.
These activities will converge in an open source CFD code and open source tools, ensuring that the technological progress achieved during this project is easily accessible for European industry. This approach will also ensure that the resulting tools are verifiable during implementation and validation using a pre-established, well characterized, and easily understandable framework.
01. April 2021 - 31. March 2024
Exascale Computing
HPC for Industry
Numerical Methods and Libraries
Project and User Management, Accounting
H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-1 (EuroHPC-03-2019)
See all projects
This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 956416.
The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, and Portugal.
Head, Project and User Management, Accounting
Deputy Head, Department of Numerical Methods & Libraries