The following is a list of key contact points at HLRS for specific types of questions. If you are looking for someone else, you can also find a complete list of all HLRS staff at People.
AI & Data Analytics | Dennis Hoppe |
Chemistry & Computational Biology | Dr. Heinz Pöhlmann |
Computational Fluid Dynamics | Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ruopp |
Numerical Methods & Libraries | Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schneider |
Structural Mechanics & Physics | Dr.-Ing. Martin Bernreuther |
Tools | Dr. José Gracia |
Training Program | courses(at) |
Visualization | Dr.-Ing. Uwe Wössner |
For system users from industry | industry(at) |
Project Accounting | Thomas Beisel |
User Project Management | Dr. Heinz Pöhlmann, Dr. Flavio Cesar Cunha Galeazzo |
Networks and Firewall | Daniel H. Sugondo |
Security | Dr. Martin Hecht |
System Administration | Thomas Beisel Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bönisch Bernd Krischok |