The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications

EXCELLERAT P2 is developing advanced applications for engineering in the manufacturing, energy, aeronautics, and automotive sectors, focusing on use cases that demonstrate the importance of HPC, HPDA, and AI for European competitiveness.

A EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Center of Excellence, EXCELLERAT P2 continues a partnership in which Europe’s leading high-performance computing (HPC) centers, application specialists, and supporting partners offer their expertise and knowledge to engineering companies and researchers from industry and academia.

The latest phase of the project will focus on seven use cases:

  • external aircraft aerodynamics
  • hydrogen combustion for propulsion
  • mitigation of aeroacoustics noise
  • fully integrated aircraft simulation with emissions models
  • high-fidelity simulations of rotating parts
  • active control for drag reduction of transonic airfoils
  • engineering design and digital twin of the first wall of a tokamak fusion reactor

Each will require the full range of HPC usage profiles, from small-scale analyses to large, computationally demanding simulations.

The use cases will lead to the development of advanced applications that exceed the state of the art while producing results that will have clear benefits for European industry.. In addition, EXCELLERAT P2 strives to show that the use of HPC, high-performance data analytics (HPDA), and artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering can support low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible product development and manufacturing. The project will also demonstrate the important role of these technologies in the mobility and energy sectors.

EXCELLERAT P2 takes a holistic view in which HPC, HPDA, and AI will need to be integrated to take HPC applications, hardware design, and HPC service provisioning to a new level, supporting engineering in ways that increase European competitiveness.

EXCELLERAT P2 will build on the achievements of the project’s first phase, including a service portal for promoting awareness of the project’s achievements and offerings. By involving additional experts in this second phase, the Center of Excellence will expand to cover a broader range of engineering disciplines. These efforts will ensure that innovations developed within the project take place using co-design processes and are shared in ways that address other engineering challenges. By producing and documenting success stories resulting from the project, EXCELLERAT P2 will ultimately support the success of the European HPC strategy.

Project partners

  • USTUTT, University of Stuttgart, DE
  • RWTH, Rhine-Westphalia Technical University of Aachen, DE
  • CERFACS, Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, FR
  • TERATEC, Teratec, FR
  • CINECA, Cineca, IT
  • Arctur d.o.o., ARCTUR Racunalniski Inzeniring doo, SI
  • KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, SE
  • SCAI, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing, DE
  • SSC, SSC Services Gmbh, DE
  • DLR, German Aerospace Center, DE
  • BSC CNS, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
  • URMLS, University of Rome LA SAPIENZA, IT
  • UL, University of Ljubljana, SI
  • SIPEARL, SiPearl, FR

Predecessor project EXCELLERAT

The predecessor project EXCELLERAT was funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programme from December 2018 to May 2022.
