This project coordinates support for HPC users in Baden-Württemberg and the implementation of related measures and activities, including data intensive computing and large-scale scientific data management.
CASTIEL 2 facilitates collaboration among the EuroCC 2 National Competence Centers and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Centers of Excellence, promoting the development of HPC expertise and the adoption of leading codes across Europe.
The Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD will improve European state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics algorithms to prepare them for efficient performance on exascale supercomputers.
Supported by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, EuroCC 2 manages a European network of National Competence Centers (NCC) for high-performance computing and related technologies, promoting a common level of expertise across the participating countries.
EXCELLERAT P2 is developing advanced applications for engineering in the manufacturing, energy, aeronautics, and automotive sectors, focusing on use cases that demonstrate the importance of HPC, HPDA, and AI for European competitiveness.
The HiDALGO2 project is addressing challenges caused by climate change, focusing on technical issues related to scalability on HPC and AI infrastructures, the use of computational fluid dynamics methods, and uncertainty analysis.
HPC SPECTRA will promote the development of HPC expertise across Europe by building a comprehensive online platform of training opportunities, making it easy for trainees to find courses that fit their interests and needs.
SiVeGCS coordinates and ensures the availability of HPC resources of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing, addressing issues related to funding, operation, training, and user support across Germany's national HPC infrastructure.
By presenting exciting, immersive experiences of current engineering topics in virtual reality and augmented reality, DimensionLab3 aims to increase young students' interest in and motivation to study technical subjects.
The objective of this European training network for mechanical and computer science engineers is to develop advanced tools for analyzing fluid dynamics in large-scale models of turbine components and to eventually enable the virtual testing of an entire machine.
HLRS is the coordinating center for this project to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) topics into curricula at the University of Stuttgart, and to implement AI technologies to improve instruction.
The MoeWe project developed the Supercomputing-Akademie, a training program in high-performance computing that is conceived to address the unique needs of researchers and IT professionals in industry.
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe supports high-impact scientific discovery and engineering R&D to enhance European competitiveness for the benefit of society.