Each year, representatives of the national research community using the high-performance computing resources of HLRS meet in Stuttgart-Vaihingen for the annual HLRS Results and Review Workshop. During the two day event, participants present and discuss their research projects from the past 12 months using high-performance computing.
The fee for the workshop is € 175.00 including the proceedings (which will be delivered to the participants about 6 months after the workshop) and will be invoiced just after the workshop.
The University of Stuttgart currently recommends wearing a protective mask (preferably FFP2 or medical) indoors.
Click here to see the workshop agenda
Click here to register Deadline: September 28, 2022
HLRS, University of Stuttgart Nobelstraße 19 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room 0.439 / Rühle Saal Location and nearby accommodations
04. Okt. 2022
05. Okt. 2022
Stuttgart, Germany
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