HFM Festival: Urban Digital Twins in Virtual Reality

Image of CAVE visualization of Stuttgart's digital twin
At the Haus für Film und Medien Stuttgart e.V. (HFM) Summer Festival, the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg and HLRS will illustrate concepts, possibilities and application scenarios of Urban Twins using a digital twin of the city of Stuttgart and the new HFM building with a mobile CAVE.

The Media Solution Center shows how "Urban Twins", combined with virtual reality as a starting point, can help tackle municipal projects.

An urban digital twin (urban twin) is a detailed digital model of a city, individual buildings or entire municipalities that can be used as a container for a wide variety of data, such as simulation, sensor or geodata. Urban Twins are often created in cooperation with municipalities, which can provide access to the necessary data for the creation of the twins via state offices in the form of geodata (e.g. photogrammetry, building, traffic data) or planned construction projects as Building Information Modeling data (BIM). The combination of such Urban Twins with VR (Virtual Twins) makes it possible to ensure low-threshold and intuitive access to complex municipal topics for specialist planners and people from outside the field, thereby stimulating an interdisciplinary exchange of information that is essential for the planning and acceptance of municipal projects. During the event, the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg in cooperation with the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) will illustrate concepts, possibilities and application scenarios of the thematized Urban Twins using a digital twin of the city of Stuttgart and the new HFM building with a mobile CAVE (Cave automatic virtual environment).


01. Juli 2023


01. Juli 2023

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