HPC Innovation for European SMEs
Logo FF4EuroHPC

FF4EuroHPC conducts outreach and provides support to Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enable them to profit from the advantages for innovation offered by high-performance computing technologies and services.

The lessons learned and best practices developed in the previous Fortissimo projects will be used to create a portfolio of business-oriented “application experiments” that allow agile SMEs to investigate and solve business challenges and develop innovative business opportunities. The application experiment framework ensures that they receive the necessary, appropriate support to enter into the HPC ecosystem. FF4EuroHPC will lower the barriers for the participating SMEs to start HPC-related innovation in their existing or newly identified markets either by using HPC systems for their business needs or by providing new HPC-based services. The outcome will be improved design and development processes, better products and services, and improved competitiveness in the global marketplace.


01. September 2020 -
31. August 2023


EU Horizon 2020 & EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
