VSC Training Course: Parallelization with MPI @ VSC Vienna

This course will be delivered as an ONLINE COURSE for remote participation because of the COVID-19 measures enforced by most European governments.

REGISTRATION is strictly NECESSARY since the details to access the online course will be provided to the registered and accepted attendees only.

Furthermore, accepted participants will be contacted about two weeks in advance and asked to provide some more data for the hands-on labs that will be needed for user account creation on the VSC clusters. At that time there will also be a short PRE-ASSIGNMENT that has to be completed before the course starts.


On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the dominating programming model. This 3 days course teaches parallel programming with MPI starting from a beginners level. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

This course is organized by the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), TU Wien in cooperation with HLRS. It is based on the HLRS MPI course. (Content Level: 70% for beginners, 30% advanced)

An additional course on Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP takes place at the same location.

For further information see: https://vsc.ac.at/training/2020/MPI


Online course
Organizer: VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria


06. Mai 2020


08. Mai 2020






Paralleles Programmieren



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Here is the preliminary course outline.

Prerequisites and content levels


Unix and C or Fortran

Content levels
  • Basic: 7 hours 15 minutes
  • Intermediate: 7 hours 15 minutes
  • Advanced: 2 hours 45 minutes

Learn more about course curricula and content levels.


Claudia Blaas-Schenner and Irene Reichl (VSC Team, TU Wien)



Date, Time and Location

06. - 08.05.2020, 09:00 - 16:30 (08.11. until 16:00),
FH Internet-Raum FH1 (TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, ground floor, red area)


Please register at the PRACE course page: events.prace-ri.eu/event/1010/registrations/736/

It is recommended to register early to secure your spot!

Registration period is from 5 March 2020 to 19 April 2020, and follows the "first come – first served" principle.
For the online course we can take a maximum of 40 persons.
Additional registrations will be added to a waiting list.


This course is a PRACE Training Center (PTC) event. Therefore, the course is free of charge for all participants from the EU or from PRACE-member countries.  

Course Material

All course material and the details to access the online course will be provided to the registered and accepted attendees only.



Claudia Blaas-Schenner, vsc-seminarlist.tuwien.ac.at

Training events of the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), TU Wien


Shortcut-URL & Course Number

https://www.hlrs.de/training/2020/VSC2 (at HLRS) and https://vsc.ac.at/training/2020/MPI (at VSC)

Further Courses

https://www.hlrs.de/training/ and https://www.hlrs.de/training/overview/ (at HLRS)

https://vsc.ac.at/training (at the VSC Research Center, TU Wien)

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