Parallelization with MPI and OpenMP @ MAINZ

This course will be provided as ONLINE course (using Zoom and Slack).

The focus is on the programming models MPI and OpenMP. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves. This course is organized by the University of Mainz in cooperation with HLRS. 


Online course
Organizer: Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany


23. Mär 2021


26. Mär 2021




Paralleles Programmieren




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Prerequisites and content levels


Unix / C or Fortran

If you have a user account on Mogon at the University of Mainz, you can use this account for the exercises.

Without such an account, you need to have your own programming environment, e.g., on your system, i.e., to be able to do the hands-on exercises of this course, you need a computer with an OpenMP capable C/C++ or Fortran compiler and a corresponding, up-to-date MPI library (in case of Fortran, the mpi_f08 module is required). Please note that the course organizers will not grant you access to an HPC system nor any other compute environment. Therefore, please make sure to have a functioning working environment / access to an HPC cluster prior to the course.

Please tar -xvzf TEST.tar.gz using  or unzip using and verify your MPI and OpenMP installation with the tests described in TEST/README.txt within the archive.

The exercise about race-condition detection is optional. It would requires an installation of a race-condition detection tool, e.g., the Intel Inspector together with the Intel compiler.

Content levels
  • 70% for beginners
  • 30% for advanced

Learn more about course curricula and content levels.


Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner (Stuttgart, member of the MPI-2/3/4 forum).

Slides and exercises for the online course

A few days before the course starts, you will receive pdf files from the slides and tar/zip files for installing the exercises on your system. 

An older version of this course with most of the material (including the audio information) can also be viewed in the ONLINE Parallel Programming Workshop

Further information, Registration, and Course fee


via online registration form.
Please note: Whilst open to anyone, enrollments from from the German states Hessia and Rhineland-Palatinate as well as from academic institutions will be favoured. The organizers reserve the right to prioritize and to revoke non-eligible enrollments..

The course information is also available through the local web-page in Mainz and by High Performance Computing / MOGON and the Allianz Hochleistungsrechnen Rheinland-Pfalz (AHRP).

Withdrawal and Cancelation Policy

If you cannot come to the course, please send an email to the organizer as soon as possible. This would allow us to accept additional participants from the waiting-list. There is no cancelation fee.
Please understand that we have to reserve the right to cancel the event in case of low number of participants or in case of absence of a lecturer, force majeure or similar causes. In case of cancellations or necessary changes of the program, we try to inform you as early as possible. If we have to cancel an event, we will refund your participant fees immediately. No further claims will be asserted against ZDV Uni. Mainz except for cases of willful intent or gross negligence.
NO-SHOW: We reserve our right to exclude participants for one year from HLRS and ZDV courses if they do not show up at registered courses and did not withdraw from their registration.


for registration is Feb. 28, 2021.


Members of German universities and public research institutes: none.
Others: 780 EUR.


Contact and Local Organizer

Dr. Christian Meesters hpc-courses(at) (Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung)

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