On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the dominating programming model. This 4 half-days course teaches parallel programming with MPI starting from a beginners level. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
This course is a PRACE training event. It is organized by the VSC Research Center, TU Wien, in cooperation with the High-Performance Computing-Center Stuttgart (HLRS). This course has been originally developed by Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS).
Online course Organizer: VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria
19. Apr 2021 08:15
22. Apr 2021 13:00
Online by VSC Vienna
Paralleles Programmieren
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1st day – 19 April 2021
08:15 Join online 08:30 Welcome (talk) 08:35 MPI overview (talk+demo) 10:00 Breakout-Rooms - meet your exercise group 10:15 Process model and language bindings (talk+demo+practical) 11:30 Break 11:40 Messages and point-to-point communication (talk+practical) 13:00 End of first day
2nd day – 20 April 2021
08:15 Join online 08:30 Ping pong benchmark - solution and results (talk+discussion) 08:40 Nonblocking communication (talk+demo+practical) 10:00 Break 10:15 Collective communication (talk+demo+practical) 11:30 Break 11:45 Optimizing MPI communication - a real world example (talk+discussion) 12:00 Short Tour: other MPI topics (talk) 12:30 Fortran and MPI - only for Fortran participants (talk) 13:00 End of second day
3rd day – 21 April 2021
08:15 Join online 08:30 Groups & Communicators (talk+practical) 09:30 Break 09:45 Virtual topologies (talk+practical) 11:30 Break 11:45 Derived datatypes (talk+demo+practical) 13:00 End of third day
4th day – 22 April 2021
08:15 Join online 08:30 One-sided Communication (talk+practical) 10:00 Break 10:15 Shared Memory One-sided Communication (talk+practical) 11:30 Break 11:45 Short Tour: MPI I/O (talk) 12:15 Best practice, Summary, Q&A (talk+discussion) 13:00 End of fourth day (course)
For the hands-on sessions you should know how to work on the Unix/Linux command line and be able to program in either C/C++ or Fortran.
Learn more about course curricula and content levels.
For doing the hands-on labs all you need is a C/C++ or Fortran compiler and a recent MPI library. Participants can choose between using their own laptops or any system they have access to that provides these, it's even possible to do the exercises in Google Colab. Alternatively, participants can ask for a training user account at the VSC for the duration of the course.
Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien), David Fischak (tutor; VSC Research Center, TU Wien)
19.-22.04.2021, 08:30 - 13:00, ONLINE COURSE
Please register at the PRACE course page: events.prace-ri.eu/event/1171/registrations/848/
Registration period is from 15 February 2021 to 11 April 2021, and follows the "first come – first served" principle. For the online course we can take a maximum of 40 persons. Additional registrations will be added to a waiting list.
This course is a PRACE Training Center (PTC) event. Therefore, the course is free of charge for all participants from the EU or from PRACE-member countries.
A link to the course material will be available at course start. The presentation slides will be available for registered attendees only.
Claudia Blaas-Schenner, training(at)vsc.ac.at
https://www.hlrs.de/training/2021/VSC1 (at HLRS), https://vsc.ac.at/training/2021/MPI (at VSC)
and https://events.prace-ri.eu/e/VSC-2021-MPI (at PRACE)
https://www.hlrs.de/training/ and https://www.hlrs.de/training/overview/ (at HLRS)
https://vsc.ac.at/training (at the VSC Research Center, TU Wien)
März 17 - 21, 2025
Dresden, Germany
April 01 - 04, 2025
Mainz, Germany
Mai 09 - 23, 2025
Hybrid Event - Stuttgart, Germany
Juni 16 - 17, 2025