Optimization of Scaling and Node-level Performance on Hawk

Photo of scientist participating in online course
This course will be held online with Zoom.

Due to the HAWK maintenance work this course will start on April 26th, 2022.

In order to increase the efficiency of our users' applications on Hawk, HLRS, HPE and AMD offer this workshop to enhance the node-level performance as well as scaling of the codes utilized by participants. By doing so, users can raise the volume as well as quality of their scientific findings while the costs (in terms of core hours) remain constant.

Moreover, this workshop allows you to get practical experience and support w.r.t. performance analysis tools available on Hawk. Please have in mind those tools are essential to gather the performance data which has to be included in the compulsory annual report on usage of compute time budgets!

By means of this workshop, you can tweak compiler flags, environment settings, etc. in order to make your code run faster. According to our experience gathered in prior workshops, these “low-hanging fruits” can give you a significant speedup but require only little effort.

Furthermore, you will analyze the runtime behavior of your code, locate bottlenecks, design and discuss potential solutions as well as implement them. All categories of bottlenecks (CPU, memory subsystem, communication and I/O) will be addressed, according to the respective requirements. Ideally, the above steps will be repeated multiple times in order to address several bottlenecks.

Every attending group will be supported during the entire workshop by a dedicated member of the HLRS user support group. In addition, HPE and AMD specialists will be available to help with issues specific to e.g. MPI and the processor.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we decided to provide this workshop in an online fashion. In order to do so, we will setup breakout rooms in a Zoom session which enable participants to communicate as well as share screens and remote control applications with support staff, hence providing the same options of interaction as meeting in person.

Learning outcomes

  • Basic knowledge on important tools for Optimization of Scaling and Node-level Performance on Hawk
  • Moreover, practical experience in applying these methods.

Target audience: Groups holding a compute time budget to be used on Hawk.


Online course
Organizer: HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany


25. Apr 2022


29. Apr 2022






Performance-Optimierung & Debugging





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Prerequisites and content levels


In order to attend the workshop, you should already have an account on Hawk and your application should already be running on the system. Furthermore, we require that you bring your own code including a test case which is set up according to the following rules:

  • use case selection:
    • When processing the test case, your code should have a behavior and profile which is close to that of current and maybe future production runs.
    • If possible, the test case should be representative for those production runs of your group which consume the largest part of your compute time budget.
  • number of cores:
    • In order to be representative, the test case should be in size comparable to the respective current and maybe future production runs.
    • In order to save valuable resources and to allow for a productive workflow, it should however be as small as possible.
    • So take into account to reduce the size of your test case as long as the profile stays almost constant. This can often be achieved by reducing the simulated domain and keep the computational load per core constant ("weak down scaling").
  • wall time:
    • In order to allow for a productive workflow, the wall time should be a few minutes only.
    • At the same time, it should cover all important parts of the code, i.e. computation, communication and I/O.
    • So take into account to reduce the number of simulated time steps.
Content levels
  • Beginners' level: 0 hours
  • Intermediate level: 13:30 hours
  • Community level: 13:30 hours

Learn more about course curricula and content levels.


HLRS, HPE and AMD user support staff


CEST time:

(it's possible to book individual days only)


  • 08:45-09:00 Drop in to the videoconference
  • 9:00 - 17:30 Workshop 


Handouts will be available to participants in terms of PDFs.

Registration information

Register via the button at the top of this page.


for registration is April 21, 23:59, 2022.


Members of German universities and public research institutes: none
Members of universities and public research institutes within EU or PRACE member countries: none
Members of other universities and public research institutes: 120 EUR
Others: 400 EUR


Björn Dick phone 0711 - 685 87189, dick(at)hlrs.de
Khatuna Kakhiani phone 0711 685 65796, kakhiani(at)hlrs.de

HLRS Training Collaborations in HPC

HLRS is part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), together with JSC in Jülich and LRZ in Garching near Munich. EuroCC@GCS is the German National Competence Centre (NCC) for High-Performance Computing. HLRS is also a member of the Baden-Württemberg initiative bwHPC.

Official course URL(s)


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