This course is planned to take place at HLRS but might be cancelled or provided as a reduced ONLINE course (using Zoom) if necessary by pandemic rules.
The focus is on iterative and parallel solvers, the parallel programming models MPI and OpenMP, and the parallel middleware PETSc. Thereby, different modern Krylov Subspace Methods (CG, GMRES, BiCGSTAB ...) as well as highly efficient preconditioning techniques are presented in the context of real life applications. Hands-on sessions (in C, Fortran and Python) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of iterative solvers, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP (in C and Fortran). This course provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves. It is organized by HLRS, IAG, Uni. Kassel, and SFB/TRR30.
HLRS, University of Stuttgart Nobelstraße 19 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room 0.439 / Rühle Saal Location and nearby accommodations
28. Mär 2022 08:30
01. Apr 2022 15:30
Stuttgart, Germany
Programmiersprachen für wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Numerische Methoden
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Learn more about course curricula and content levels.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister from Uni. Kassel (Institute of Mathematitcs), and Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner from HLRS
see link to detailed program (preliminary)
Each participant will get a pdf of the slides.
Register via the button at the top of this page. We encourage you to register to the waiting list if the course is full. Places might become available.
Registration closes on March 22, 2022 (extended deadline).
Late registrations after the deadline are still possible according to the course capacity, possibly with reduced quality of the handout.
Students without Diploma/Master: 40 EUR Students with Diploma/Master (PhD students) at German universities: 90 EUR Members of German universities and public research institutes: 90 EUR Members of universities and public research institutes within EU or PRACE member countries: 180 EUR. Members of other universities and public research institutes: 360 EUR Others: 960 EUR (includes coffee breaks)
Although this event is a training course, another important aspect is the scientific exchange between participants, which did not work as well as we hoped in our online courses.
The concept to enable this communication among our participants consists of
For your safety, we allow only completely vaccinated, or fully recovered, or participants tested negatively on COVID-19 on all days. Note that participation with tests might be prohibited when the course starts or even while the course runs. In the course room and when not eating/drinking, FFP2 masks are required. See registration page for details. Of course, these rules also apply to the instructors.
We strongly recommend to choose travel options and hotels with the possibility to cancel (even close to the event) because we might be forced to deliver the course as an online course.
There will be several shorter breaks and a lunch break every day. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can only offer water (carbonized and natural) and apple juice in single bottles in breaks but no coffee. If you would like to drink coffee you might bring it in a thermos yourself or you can go to a nearby bakery. All bottles that contain liquids must be safely lockable by a screw cap to protect the laptops and underfloor in the lecture hall.
We recommend that you bring your own lunch. As of today, due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be no possibility to have lunch at the canteen. We are only aware of the following two publicly accessible nearby places for lunch:
Lucienne Dettki phone 0711 685 63894, Lorenzo Zanon phone 0711 685 63824, zanon(at)
HLRS is part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), which is one of the six PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) that started in Feb. 2012.
HLRS is also member of the Baden-Württemberg initiative bwHPC.
This course is also provided within the framework of the bwHPC training program. This course is not part of the PATC curriculum and is not sponsored by the PATC program.
See the training overview and the Supercomputing Academy pages.
März 03 - 07, 2025
März 17 - 21, 2025
Dresden, Germany
April 01 - 04, 2025
Mainz, Germany
Mai 09 - 23, 2025
Hybrid Event - Stuttgart, Germany
Juni 16 - 17, 2025