Jedes Jahr treffen sich Vertreter:innen der nationalen Forschungsgemeinschaft, die die Höchstleistungsrechenressourcen des HLRS nutzen, in Stuttgart-Vaihingen zum jährlichen HLRS Results and Review Workshop. Während der zweitägigen Veranstaltung präsentieren und besprechen die Teilnehmer:innen ihre Forschungsprojekte aus den vergangenen 12 Monaten. Aus allen Projekten, die auf dem HLRS Results and Review Workshop vorgestellt werden, wählt der Lenkungsausschuss des HLRS drei besonders herausragende Projekte aus, um sie mit einer besonderen Trophäe zu ehren: Dem HLRS Golden Spike Award.
Entscheidungskriterien für die Golden Spike Awards sind unter anderem:
Die Gewinner der HLRS Golden Spike Awards 2024 (v.l.n.r.): Björn Klose, Simon Homes und Tim Niklas Uhl. (Fotos mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Preisträger).
Numerical investigation of shock-boundary layer interaction on a highly-loaded transonic compressor cascade to compare with experimental results (Projekt TCTA-SBLI am HLRS)
Molecular simulations: A thermodynamic study of bulk and interface behavior (Projekt MMHBF2 am HLRS)
Scalable discrete algorithms for big data applications (Projekt basictoolbox am SCC, Karlsruhe)
A High-Order Framework for Compressible Droplet Dynamics
The Sparse Grid Combination Technique for Higher-Dimensional Simulations at Extreme Scales
Neutron Star Mergers: From Nuclei to Cosmic Explosions
Simulating Binary Neutron Star Mergers
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow, Transport, and Reactions in Battery Components
Towards DNS of Droplet-Jet Collisions of Immiscible Liquids with FS3D
Secondary flow and longitudinal sediment patterns in turbulent channel flow over a bed of mobile particles in domains of small to intermediate size
Uncertainty quantification in high order computational fluid dynamics
Hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from lattice QCD
Comparison of two airfoils for active drag reduction in turbulent flow
Regional climate simulations with COSMO-CLM: CORDEX Africa and CORDEX FPS convection
Caught in the act: all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of substrate transport in the ABC exporter TM287/288
Towards clean propulsion with synthetic fuels: Computational aspects and analysis
Sulfur in ethylene epoxidation on silver
DNS of compressible turbulent boundary layers with adverse pressure gradients
Optimization and HPC-Applications of the Flow Solver FLOWer
Cosmic large-scale structure in the Illustris TNG simulations
Automated Code Generation for Maximizing Performance of Detailed Chemistry Calculations in OpenFOAM
Modeling of the deformation dynamics of single and twin fluid droplets exposed to aerodynamic loads and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Numerical Predictions of Primary Atomization
Large Scale I/O of an open-source earthquake simulation package
The Illustris++ Project: The Next Generation of Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Ab-initio calculations of the vibrational properties and dynamical processes in semiconductor nanostructures
Advances in Parallelization and High-fidelity Simulation of Helicopter Phenomena
Large Scale Numerical Simulations of Planetary Interiors
Discontinuous Galerkin for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics
Towards large multi-scale particle simulations with conjugate heat transfer on heterogeneous super computers
Thermodynamics with 2+1+1 dynamical quark flavors
Industrial Turbulence Simulations at Large Scale
A highly scalable multigrid method with parallel direct coarse grid solver for Maxwell's equations
High-resolution climate predictions and short-range forecasts to improve the process understanding and the representation of land-surface interactions in the WRF model in southwest Germany (WRFCLIM)
Effects of an oblique roughness on hypersonic boundary-layer transition
A particle-in-cell Method to model the Influence of Partial Melt on Mantle Convection
Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures Including Hydrodynamic Interactions
Highly efficient and scalable software for the simulation of turbulent flows in complex geometries
QCD critical surfaces at real and imaginary mu
Laser Ablation of Aluminium: Drops and Voids
CFD-CSD-Coupled Simulations of Helicopter Rotors using an Unstructured Flow Solver
The Agulhas System as a Key Region of the Global Oceanic Circulation
Direct Numerical Simulation of Swept-Wing Laminar Flow Control using Pinpoint Suction
Numerical Models for Emission Line Nebulae in High Redshift Radio Galaxies
Modelling convection over West Africa
Direct Numerical Simulation of Jet in Crossflow Actuators
The SuperN-Project: Status and Outlook
Hybrid Techniques for Large-Eddy Simulations of Complex Turbulent Flows
Vector computers in a world of commodity clusters, massively parallel systems and many-core many-threaded CPUs: recent experience based on an advanced lattice Boltzmann flow
Ignition of Droplets in a Laminar Convective Environment
DFT Modelling of Oxygen Adsorption on CoCr Surfaces
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow Over Dimples - Code Optimization for NEC SX-8 plus Flow Results
Rheological properties of binary and ternary amphiphilic fluid mixtures
The SuperN-Project: Understanding core collapse supernovae
Object-Oriented SPH-Simulations with Surface Tension
Direct Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear Transitional Stages in an Experimentally Investigated Laminar Separation Bubble
A Hybrid LES/CAA Method for Aeroacoustic Applications
Advanced Rotary Wing Aerodynamics
LES of Shock Wave / Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction
Numerical considerations of fluid effects on wave propagation
Combination of detailed CFD simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method and experimental measurements using the NMR/MRI technique
Collisional Dynamics of Black Holes, Star Clusters and Galactic Nuclei
Interactive CFD Simulations by Coupling Supercomputers with Virtual Reality
Rayleigh-Bénard Convection at Large Aspect Ratios
for his contribution to the promotion of High-Performance Computing in Germany and the support of young scientists in the field of Computational Science & Engineering
Aeroelastic Analysis of Helicopter Rotor Blades using HPC
Massively Parallel DNS of Flame Kernel Evolution in Spark-Ignited Turbulent Mixtures
A Vectorised Lagrangian Particle Model for the Numerical Simulation of Coal-Fired Furnaces
Assumed PDF Modeling with Detailed Chemistry
Car-Parrinello Density Functional Calculations of the Bond Rupture Process of Thiolate on Gold
High-accuracy Simulation of Density Driven Flow in Porous Media
High Performance Computing: Numerical Simulation of the Melt Flow in an Industrial Czochralski Crucible
Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Polymer Blends: Monte Carlo Simulations and Dynamic Mean Field Theory
DNS of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in a 3-D Aerodynamics Boundary-Layer Flow
DNS of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Separation Bubbles
Vibronic studies of adsorbate-covered semiconductor surfaces with the help of HPC
Quantum Chemical Studies on Heterocyclic Rearrangements in Benzofuroxans: Reaction Paths, Vibrational Spectra, and Rate Constants
Parallel Computation of Electromagnetic Fields based on Integral Equations
CFD-Applications on NEC SX-4
Detailed Simulations of Turbulent Flames using Parallel Supercomputers